COMING SOON! The New Flotec Fluid Power Catalogue.
Loughborough-based Flotec, a trusted and leading supplier of hydraulic, pneumatic and pipeline products to industry, announces the imminent launch of its new hard copy fluid power catalogue.
A long time in the waiting, Flotec’s latest fluid power catalogue is currently at the printers, scheduled to land by the end of April.

Products will be grouped by category rather than brand with a colour coded design allowing users to navigate the entire catalogue with speed and ease.
Set to be packed to the rafters with an extensive portfolio of industrial products and items, the latest edition of Flotec’s Fluid Power catalogue will be a welcome return for many.
Speaking of the catalogues imminent launch, Flotec’s Head of Marketing Barry Michael Aldridge comments, “This is an exciting time for Flotec as we prepare for the arrival of our very latest fluid power catalogue.
Whilst the Flotec online store works well for many, from a marketing perspective, I am fully aware that a lot of our customers prefer to browse through the pages of a printed version.
Having been a few years since the last copy, I am very much looking forward to the release of the latest 2024-26 edition.
There will be an official announcement made, just as soon as the catalogue becomes available, so be sure to watch this space and keep up to speed with the very latest news and developments from Flotec Industrial Limited!”

Flotec’s Head of Marketing, Barry Michael Aldridge.
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Loughborough based Flotec Industrial Limited has been supplying hydraulic and pneumatic solutions to both rail and wider industries since 1995.
Flotec Industrial Limited
Unit 8, Jubilee Drive, Loughborough LE11 5GW
Tel: 01509 230100
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