Updated: May 18, 2023
Loughborough-based Flotec, a leading supplier of hydraulic, pneumatic and pipeline products to industry, celebrates the commitment and dedication of its purchasing team.
Flotec’s purchasing duo, Chloe Lofthouse and Chloe Smith have racked up a whopping thirteen years of service between them.

Lofthouse joined Flotec as its purchasing assistant in 2014 and very quickly demonstrated a desire to become officially qualified in the procurement profession.
Successfully completing a CIPS (Chartered Institute of Procurement and Supply) Level Four Diploma, quickly elevated Chloe to the position of company buyer.
By 2019, an increase in supply and demand realised the need to expand the purchasing department, with Chloe Smith being appointed as Flotec’s purchasing assistant in May of that year.
It was at this time that Chloe Lofthouse assumed a management position.
The purchasing team plays a critical part in sourcing a wide variety of products for the organisation, as competitively priced as possible, which benefits both customers and company bottom line figures alike.
Purchasing and procurement is an incredibly important role within all organisations and is a highly skilled profession, requiring numerical, analytical, and strategic capabilities.
If you are interested in a career in purchasing, procurement, and supply, you can discover more by visiting the official CIPS website: https://www.cips.org/
Notes to Editors:
Loughborough based Flotec Industrial Limited has been supplying hydraulic and pneumatic solutions to both rail and wider industries since 1995.
For more information, please contact Barry Michael Aldridge FCIM CMktr, Head of Marketing for Flotec Industrial Limited Flotec Industrial Limited
Pavilion Way Loughborough LE11 5GW
Tel: 01509 230100
Email: barry@floteconline.com
Website: https://www.flotecindustrial.co.uk
Online Store: https://www.floteconline.com